Caller ID Settings

Caller ID Settings

You can manage your caller ID name (CNAM) settings in the team settings info panel. You can let your candidates know who is calling and texting so you get even more engagement. 

To set up your Caller ID, go to your Team Settings and in the "Configuration" tab, update the Caller ID.
Team Settings > Configuration > Caller ID

Caller ID's must be alphanumeric characters or spaces with a maximum length of 15 characters. 
This is the setting where you can update your Caller ID. Make sure to hit save after putting it in.

Compliance Note: Your CNAM must accurately represent who the caller is. Use the same company name you used for your brand and campaign registrations to avoid confusion.

Please remember that it's up to the receiving carrier of your outbound calls to display CNAM on their subscriber's phones.

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