Chat Command: ^open

Chat Command: ^opt-in and ^opt-out

Users can manually opt contacts out of a conversation as well as opt them back in if they were mistakenly opted out. 

Opting out a contact is useful when the contact does not want to receive messages but fails to send the necessary "Stop" message themselves. To opt-out a contact, go to their conversation in the chat view and type ^opt-out in the chat window followed by the spacebar.

Opt-in and Opt-out commands

Once you activate the command, a dialogue box will appear prompting you to write in the reason to opt out the contact:

Dialogue box for Opt-Out command

Click on the "Done" button when you've finished and the candidate will no longer receive any messages from the team's phone number.

Opting a candidate back in is useful if the candidate was mistakenly opted out or if they want to receive messages and failed to send the required "Start" message from their own end**.

To opt a candidate back into messages, go to their conversation in the chat view and type ^opt-in in the chat window followed by the spacebar. A dialogue box will appear, prompting you to write in the reason for opting the candidate back into receiving messages:

Dialogue box for opt-in command
The candidate will now be able to receive messages from PivotCX.

A note will be left on Opted-In candidates

** Opt-In commands can only be initiated and registered for numbers that have been manually opted-out by a PivotCX User. Recipients who have replied "Stop" can not be manually opted-in through PivotCX and must text "Start" to resume messages. 

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