Importing Candidate Lists
Importing a list of candidates from a previous or current ATS is quickly done in PivotCX. We've created a 5 step process to help break it down. Importing candidates makes it easier to engage with candidates as soon as possible.
Here are several reasons you may want to start importing lists of previous candidates to PivotCX.
Lists can help you re-engage with previously interested candidates
In PivotCX, you can engage with candidates through texting which has an eight times higher open rate than email.
Lists are an excellent way to keep a constant flow of candidate interaction.
How to Import a List
Create an Excel sheet of candidates with the appropriate fields and headers.
Column | Required | Example | Type | Notes |
first_name | | Joe | text | |
middle_name | | | text | |
last_name | ✓ | Jobseeker | text | Last name or full name is required |
full_name | | text | You can optionally provide a full name and Pivot will seperate the name into the correct fields when we import it. |
phone | ✓ | +15552223333 | phone number | Must be a valid phone number format. We recommend using e164 format: +13171231234. |
opt_in | ✓ | TRUE | true/false | Phone Opt In as provided by contact. |
email | ✓ | | text | Email must be valid. |
update_existing | | TRUE | true/false | Update exsiting contacts. |
create_new | | TRUE | true/false | Create a new contact if this one does not exist. |
street | | 555 Main Street | text | Contact street address |
city | | Indianapolis | text | Contact city |
state | | IN | text | Contact state |
country | | USA | text | Contact country |
postal_code | | 46077 | text | Contact postal code |
source | | Indeed | text | The specific place/website from which your candidate came. |
medium | | Job Board | text | The medium of the source. E.g. Job Board, web, print, direct mail, ATS, CRM, etc... |
content | | Awesome Sales Job | text | Position name on the requisition. |
campaign | | 2023 Job Boards | text | Name given to your import for easier sorting later on within PivotCX. |
location | | Lubbock, TX USA | text | Location of the job or attribution. Locations can be corrected to ensure consistency. |
external_contact_id | | 1123 | text | ID from your ATS or crm for a contact |
external_job_id | | | text | Job id, if different than requisition ID |
req_id | | C1000 | text | Job requisition ID |
attribution_type | | | Choices | The type of attribution: <blank> for job apply lead form keyword text import enhancement signup other api user |
contact_list_id | | 1322 | number | ID of PivotCX list you'd like to add the candidate to. Used for curated lists only. |
notes | | Ten years of experience in manufacturing. Only Part-time | long text | Additional information included in the import. |
Sample Spreadsheet

***Note: fields in RED are required for imports and headers are space and case sensitive
Save this excel sheet as an xlsx file.
On the dashboard, click on the Candidates/Contacts tab.

Click on the Import button in the top right-hand corner of the Candidates Tab.

Click import and drop your xlsx file in the box

- To import your list, make sure to select a list from the dorp-down menu or type in a new list name. If you are typing in a new list name, then make sure to hit the 'enter' key to make sure the new list is selected.
- Once your file is uploaded and your list selected, then you can hit the import button to import the contacts.

The Importing Tool supports smaller lists of candidates. If you need assistance with a more sizable import, don't hesitate to contact our support team via email at, and we can assist you in adding your list.
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