Quickly Diagnosing Network Issues

Quickly Diagnosing Network Issues

Sometimes changes in your network's firewall or in your computer's settings can block you from accessing PivotCX. You can see when a network problem affects your ability to connect in the Chat view. You'll notice a small green dot with a checkmark in the upper left-hand corner of the chat area:

When there is a network problem, the health indicator will turn red and show that you can reconnect.

To attempt to re-connect, you can click on the health indicator and if it is successful, it will turn green again.   When you are connected and everything is working, you will see a green checkmark. If you don't get a green dot, you can further diagnose your connection by going to this URL:

The page that comes up after you go to https://app.pivotcx.io/ping will show exactly what connections are affected. This page is designed so you can share it with your network administrator or IT pro to help them correct their network configuration. 

Here's a sample of our network diagnostic page when everything is working.

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