Active Apply

What is an Active Apply

An active apply is the position currently being screened with the candidate. Once a candidate enters the system either through a list upload or job apply, their first apply is set as the Active Apply. If a candidate has applied for more than one position, all of the applies will appear in the candidate information panel under "Other Applications."

If you're taking advantage of PivotCX's screening servicess, Candidate Development Reps will ask which position a candidate is most interested in and will screen a candidate only for one of their applications, this will be set as their Active Apply. 

How to Update the Active Apply

If the active apply is different from the position the candidate is actually being screened for, changing the active apply is completed with one click. Simply choose the correct apply from the list of Other Applications to set it as the Active Apply.

Additionally, PivotCX can automatically set the lastest apply received as the Active Apply. 

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