Variables make messages more personal and help you get more done in less time. Instead of writing out a name, email address, job title, or other information already in PivotCX, you can type a variable, and PivotCX will automatically expand it.
How to Use
Variables can be accessed through the Chatbox or through the Tools section on the right-hand panel.
Using Variables in the Chatbox
To use variables in the chatbox, you can click or type $variables from the chatbox, and type or select the variable you want to use
You can save even more time - if you press space after a few characters, PivotCX will insert the best matching variable.
$title will be expanded to the Active Apply's job title.
Typing $title takes a lot less time than typing "Principal Architectural Kotlin Developer."
Using Variables in the Right-Hand Panel
The right-hand panel in PivotCX has a full list of applicable variables for the conversation. By default, the right-hand panel displays Candidate information, but the Tools tab has a list of Actions and Variables/Shortcuts available for the conversation
Variables Available in Automated Messages
Automated messages include default messages (e.g. the automatic after hours message), campaign messages and blasts.
$firstname: inserts contact's first name
$lastname: inserts contact's last name
$fullname: inserts contact's full name
$city: inserts contact's city
$state: inserts contact's state
$postalcode: inserts contact's postal code
$street: inserts contact's street address
$phone: inserts contact's phone number
$email: inserts contact's email address
$myname: inserts your first name
$myfullname: inserts your full name
$teamname: inserts the name of the team you're chatting for
$companyname: inserts the name of the team you're chatting for (alias of $teamname)
$content: inserts the content of the contact's active attribution
$source: inserts the source of the contact's active attribution
$medium: inserts the medium of the contact's active attribution
$campaign: inserts the campaign of the contact's active attribution
$location: inserts the location of the contact's active attribution
$title: inserts the title of the contact's active attribution