Chat Templates

Chat Templates

Templates are shortcuts you can create and use to turn into expanded texts. This reduces the need to type a lengthy or frequently-used sentence constantly. Furthermore, you can create new templates to suit your needs.

Templates Video Tutorial

Here's a quick video on how to add your own custom templates:
How to Use
To view all your templates in one place, from the PivotCX dashboard, click on the Templates Tab on the left-hand menu. 
From the Chat Window, click on Scripts from the bottom right-hand side of the view.

To expand a template, type the forward-slash character "/" (located on the same key as the question mark) and start typing the template shortcut. Then, click on the space bar to expand the full template text. 

How to Create a new template

Creating a Template from the Chat Window

If you find yourself repeatedly typing the same message when texting candidates, you can turn the message you sent into a template. 
First, right-click on the message you want to turn into a template and click on "Save Text as Template." On the dialog box that pops up, type a name for your template and the word to use as a shortcut, make any changes to the text and save.

Creating a Template from the Templates Tab

Go to the Templates Tab and click on "Add" (located on the top left side of the screen). Then, add the name, shortcut, and text you would like to use for your template. Remember, you can add variables to personalize your message with the candidate's name, job title, or your name.

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