Apply Status

Apply Status

Apply statuses allow Recruiters and teams to better control applicant flow, from when job applicants first apply to the dispositioning of their application. 

Built-in Statuses

Default Status Name

Event Generated

These cause our system to activate a specific workflow.

What event does





Changes conversation status to engaged.

Disengaged or Reengage


Changes conversation status to disengaged.



Changes conversation status to delivered.

Interview Scheduled

interview scheduled

Information Missing

Not Qualified

not qualified

Not Eligible for Hire

not eligible



Creating a Custom Status

To create a Custom Status, create a ticket. In the description, include the exact wording you want for your new Status, as well as whether it stands alone or is part of a sequence with other statuses. For example, if the status list included "New," "Engaged," and "Delivered" out-of-the-box, a team could request to add additional ones such as "Interview Scheduled," "Hired," and "Not qualified." The sequence then could go 

New -> Engaged -> Delivered -> Interview  Scheduled -> Hired. "Not Qualified" could be inserted at different points in the flow so that each one can stand alone.


Changing Apply Status

To update a candidate's Status, go to the candidate's conversation, and on the candidate information panel, click on the Current Status and choose or type the appropriate status. 

Delivery and Follow-up Workflow

Once PivotCX CDRs have pre-screened a candidate, they deliver and assign them to a recruiter who follows up with them. The delivery card, pictured in green, includes:

  • The applicant's qualification status

  • How well a candidate matches the job requirements (star rating system)

  • A conversation summary, including a completion timestamp, who completed the conversation, and who received this information.

The “Delivered” status then triggers an email notification to the recruiter or hiring manager to review the conversation and continue interviewing the qualified and engaged job applicant.

A recruiter or hiring manager can update the Apply Status using one of the standard statuses or create custom statuses to track the candidate better. Some examples of custom statuses include: "Hired," "Interview Scheduled," and "Onboarding." Your team's creativity and workflow needs will guide what other statuses to have.

Accessing Status Information

You can access the status information through the “Apply Status” filter under the Candidates, Applies, and Deliveries tabs in the PivotCX dashboard.


Although candidates can have more than one application, the status corresponds to their active apply.

In conclusion, Apply Status is a powerful way to manage candidates. A team can create different statuses to suit their needs and update them as candidates flow through the hiring cycle.

Apply Statuses are one of the many ways PivotCX improves the recruiting experience by engaging job seekers when they apply by aiding recruiters in connecting with qualified candidates.

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