Filtering Candidates in PivotCX

Filtering Contacts (Candidates) in PivotCX

PivotCX's Candidate tab provides a snapshot of your past candidates' contact information and their active applications. One of the most powerful ways to leverage PivotCX is by creating remarketing blasts or campaigns targeting passive candidates already in your candidate pool. It only takes a few clicks, and it's cost-efficient compared to the cost of engaging new applicants on job boards or through other advertising methods.

Active Apply

Our Candidates tab manages active campaigns you’re running in the team. Depending on your team settings, the Active apply can be the first apply, or you can set all of your incoming applies as active. Learn more about the setting here

In the candidates tab you'll be able to only see the Active Apply. Any other applies can be viewed in the Applies tab. Learn more about the Applies tab here

In the image above you'll see the various fields of the Active Apply: the application the candidate is being considered for. Here is a breakdown of those fields. 

Field Name



Where the candidate is coming from.


The tool used to get the candidate.


The campaign used to get the candidate.

Job Title

The job title for which the candidate applied.


Name of the place where the job is located.


Name of the Person/Employee who referred the candidate to the job.


Word used by the candidate to connect to the Employer's PivotCX team phone number.

If the candidates come in automatically through a job board or ATS, then the source, medium, and campaign fields are manually set during the setup process. If you find that they are inaccurate, please get in touch with your PivotCX representative to edit their mapping. If you are manually importing candidates, then you can manually set those fields in the import spreadsheet.

General Filters

Here are the other fields available to filter by in the candidates tab.

Field Name


First Name

Candidate's first name.

Last Name

Candidate's last name.


Candidate's primary phone number

Phone Opt-In

Whether a candidate has opted in or out of receiving text messages.

Job Title

The job title for the position the candidate applied for.

Job Location

Name of the place where the position is located.

Apply Status

The labels PivotCX's Candidate Development team or the employer's team recruiters use to keep track of a job seeker's application. 


Candidate's primary email.

Number of Applies

The number of times a candidate has applied to jobs associated with the employer's team.

Creation Date

The date the candidate was added to PivotCX.

Modified Date

The date the candidate was updated in our system.

Address Filters

Field Name



Candidate's street address, if available.


Candidate's city of residence.


Candidate's state of residence.


Candidate's zip code.

How to Apply Filters

To apply filters on the Candidates grid, click on the rectangle under the name of the field you would like to sort and start typing the information you want to filter by. You can also click on the funnel symbol to apply filters more granularly.

Once you apply the filters, you can create lists, send blasts, export the filtered data, or save your filters for later use.

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